Hi, I’m Tara.

You might know me as Tara's Voice if you spend any time on social media! I started using that name as I was finding my voice again after coming out of a 7-year domestic violence marriage. That same year my 3 1/2-year-old only child was diagnosed with stage 4 childhood cancer (fast forward she's a miracle kid and survivor!). It was during that season my resiliency was put to the test.

I never thought I would be teaching others how to reframe, reclaim and reignite their lives. But when you've been through the fire and survived you know have a responsibility to go back with buckets of water and help those in the fire.

I believe all people have a deep desire to feel significant. We know deep down we were created for more. We just get in our own way. Our thoughts, our habits, and our beliefs stop us from stepping into our greatness. We lose our way, and we lose our voice.

Well, I'm going to teach you to find your voice again. I'm going to teach you how to be resilient. To bounce back from whatever life has thrown at you. I'm going to teach you how to be the STAR in your own story, build your business, build your community, find your voice, and create the life you know you were destined to live!

So come hang out with me! You can find me at www.taragonline.com

I believe YOU CAN!

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